10 apr - 23 apr 2022 / Slovenia, Croatia

Regional tour: «Passing Swiftly »/ Cie Un Loup pour l’homme

Project «Passing Swiftly », an ever changing acrobatic duo by the company Un loup pour l’homme, is in the process of being created on the roads of Europe. In April, performances and workshops will be held in Slovenia and in Croatia.

Passing swiftly is a research, an attempt. In an outdoor and intimate atmosphere, two acrobats and two musicians invite the audience to take part to their creative process. Embracing the constant shifting of environment and circumstances in which they evolve, the artists offer a tender yet powerful elegy of trust and empathetic partnerships. Rather than seeking to push their limits, the quatuor opens a range of possibilities, allowing relationships both between themselves and with the observers to be born anew.

As part of the tour, workshops with women and workshops with local circus communities will be held. Focusing on partner acrobatic, these capacity-building activities will target hand-to-hand technique, but will also offer a conceptual and human exploration.

Regional tour, residencies and workshops of the company Un loup pour l’homme are supported through Teatroskop Cooperation Grants 2022.


Celje, Zagreb, Split

10-14/04, Celje, Slovenia in cooperation with Hisa kulture
16-17/04, Zagreb, Croatia in cooperation with Cirkorama
19-23/04, Split, Croatia, in cooperation with Room100